Punk Ass: Biker, Zen Stress Monkey <$BlogRSDURL$>
Punk Ass: Biker, Zen Stress Monkey
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
" This we can all bear witness to, living as we do plagued by unremitting anxiety....It becomes more and more imperative that the life of the spirit be avowed as the only firm basis upon which to establish happiness and peace."
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Can someone please tell me why there were about 40 pairs of men's dress shoes all over the highway this morning?
Friday, May 26, 2006
  My Pregnant Mind
I was stuck in some horrendous traffic yesterday afternoon but for once I wasn't in a rush to get anywhere and it was a absolutely perfect day out so I just kicked back (well as much as you can while driving, I didn't fully recline the seat or anything) and got lost in thought. Then something happened that hasn't happen in quite a while; a song just started writing itself in my head. Line after line just kept coming to me, which was AWESOME, except for the fact that I was in no position to write any of it down. I was almost afraid to let too much of it come out before I could get to pen and paper, fearing that I would forget it all by the time I got home. So I just kept repeating it over and over. You know that feeling when you driving and you have to pee really bad and you know that your almost home but it feels like a million miles? That's how my brain felt, pregnant with this idea that needed to be birthed. I'm happy to report father and baby are doing just fine
So in the next couple of months be looking for the new Under Adams hit "She's the Moon Tonight".
Thursday, May 25, 2006
OMG I just got soooooo bagged. So I'm at work sitting in my cube and my boss comes in. She's fairly attractive, in her late 40's. She asks me if I have an extra power strip and network cable. So I tell her that I do but they're in a closet down the hall. She turns and heads in that direction and I follow a couple of steps behind. At this point I must have fallen into a "manhaze" and was unconsciously staring at her butt because next thing I know she kind of twists to look at the back of her pants and the looks up at me and says "Do I have a spot on my pants?" >GASP!< "umm no not at all" I managed and scurried ahead of her.

Ahh....Just one more nail in my professional coffin.......
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
"I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble. We have to learn to live happily in the present moment, to touch the peace and joy that are available now".
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
"Ignorance is the source of hatred, and the way to get rid of ignorance is realization"
Monday, May 22, 2006
  OK, WTF is going on.....
OK, while on my 54 mile commute this morning, I saw not one but TWO, count'em , TWO different and separate guys getting BJ's while driving! WTF? Is today a new holiday and I didn't get a memo? Is this a new commuter service that you can sign up for to relieve road rage? It this an option that comes with new cars like OnStar that my crappy van is just too old to have? Or is someone just trying to piss me off?
Friday, May 19, 2006
"I saw a distant port
With no water to support
Burning the bridge between

Does anybody feel this way
Does anybody feel like I do"
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
  Sometimes, Eight Inches Is Not A Good Thing
Water, Water Water... I'm so sick of water. For the last three days I've been manning the pump and the shop vac in my basement trying to stay ahead of the water vesuviating up through the floor, trying to save my bands practice space. After eight strait days of rain, the ground water table just went berserk. If you've seen the new over the last couple of days, you've probably seen how bad it's been in my little corner of Massachusetts.
Well, I am happy to report that to spite the fact that I feel like I could sleep for a month, I have bested the forces of nature and emerged victorious.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
"You spit-shined my corroded halo,
Then packaged it away"
Friday, May 12, 2006
  Stuff on Friday
Ok, right Tour of the Vineyard 2006. I couldn't have asked for a better ride. The weather was perfect, I felt strong on the bike, we had a full crew ( WiseAss Bob is back after a year off, YAY!), the event raised $400,000 for the National MS Society . The star aligned on this one and I'm psyched!

In other good news I FINALLY heard from my doctor after numerous phone calls and the ultrasound came back negative, I don't have gallstones! Phew! I'm not sure what IS going on in there but that's one big one to cross off the list.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
  Just a Question
I'll post about the ride soon, but first I gotta ask:

How many Pelicans are too many Pelicans?
Thursday, May 04, 2006
  Stuff Stuff & Stuff
Well tomorrow I'm off to Martha's Vineyard for my first cycling event of the year. The weather looks to be MUCH better than last year where it dropped 15 degrees about an hour into the ride and I actually had to stop at a bike shop and buy arm warmers. I'm packing them just in case.

I also want to take a moment and thank the members of my band, Under Adams, for a fantastic job at practice last night. We're in the process of writing alot of new songs and things really started coming together last night. Everyone had amazing ideas and really brought their "A" game. Thanks guys for taking this trip with me and reminding me why I play.
Big Voodoo Pants guys, Big Voodoo Pants.....

And now here it is, you moment of Zen:

This drought is leaving me,
With cracked soil and brown leaves,
Floating on a dry lake bed,
With a dry mouth and a foggy head,
Waiting for the snow

But, when the water comes,
I will overflow, I will overflow .
When the water comes, I will overflow.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
  You Should Try It
So I had my Ultrasound yesterday and I gotta say, if you haven't had one of these things I highly recommend them. It's like having your belly rubbed for 45 min with cool mint jelly in a dimly lit room while doing meditative deep breathing. I ask you, how much better does life really get than that? Right now, go find a dog and rub his belly and you'll see just what I mean.

I'll have the results by the end of the week, keep your fingers crossed for me.....
Thoughts, and Stupid Life Adventures of a Punk Ass Bicyclist , Bass Player, and Gear Head . "Remember, It always comes back to the Ass...."

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