Punk Ass: Biker, Zen Stress Monkey <$BlogRSDURL$>
Punk Ass: Biker, Zen Stress Monkey
Monday, October 25, 2004
What's brown and sticky...............................................................................................A stick!! That's my favorite bad joke of all time (thx Buzz !). This is what happens to me when I'm unable to ride ...pretty frickin' sad. Here's the thing, my bike got damaged in transit to California. Something happened to the Computer so that it will display all of the various modes but will not register speed or mileage...errrrrrr. Two different mechanics on the MS ride concluded that it was the wiring harness. So, A week ago Saturday I put it in the shop to get it fixed. I heard from them last Friday and was told that they tried everything to get it working but couldn't; so they're going to have to ship the whole thing back to Shimano for a warranty repair and it should take a couple of weeks. Well, this now becomes a "Good news - Bad News" scenario. Good news: I don't have to pay for the repair (yay!) Bad news: I'm now without a computer on my bike for what may be the rest of the riding season (booo!). The reason this is particularly bad timing is that I only have 143 miles left to go to reach my 2000 mile goal for the year and no easy way to track any mileage that I do. Sure I can go drive the route after I ride it, but that can be a major pain in the butt. Plus it's starting to get really sucky out; call me a wuss for only riding down to 45 degrees but I like to actually enjoy my rides, not have them be a chore. I know I'm just putting an awful lot of pressure on my self , but I'm just soooo close to my goal.

The results from last weeks poll: A tie between Shimano and Campy for best bike components.

This weeks poll: Call on your inner geek and vote for your favorite Star Trek Captain!!
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Thoughts, and Stupid Life Adventures of a Punk Ass Bicyclist , Bass Player, and Gear Head . "Remember, It always comes back to the Ass...."

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