Punk Ass: Biker, Zen Stress Monkey <$BlogRSDURL$>
Punk Ass: Biker, Zen Stress Monkey
Thursday, July 28, 2005
  Of Cel Phones and Cigarettes
So, recently I had a couple of free Dave Mathews tickets come my way, and we all know that nothing tastes as good as a free concert. So cool, the show is at the Tweeter Center, the seats are way in back but no big deal, its a warm summer night, the show is outside I can just hang out under the stars, listen to Dave and chill. Well....not soo much. The group of 6 twenty somethings that have crammed themselves in to the space of 3 seats in the row in front of me decided that chilling was not such a good idea. First, 3 of them are on their cel phones for about 75% of the show, shouting to their friends, letting them know what song the band was playing, taking pictures and sending them and yelling some more, dancing with the cel phones, passing the phones back and forth etc, etc, ad nausium. Can anyone please explain to my why one would spend 65 dollars for a ticket to a show then spend the whole time on the frickin' phone? I mean WTF? Wouldn't it be easier to A) Buy the numb nuts on the other end a ticket or B) Watch a DVD at said numb nuts' house? Never mind the fact that you and your asshat friends are jammed in to a too small a space for the number of people that are supposed to be there, thus creating a wall of flesh in front of the people behind you, namely ME! On top of the fact that these Visigoths feel the need to chain smoke through the whole show..All six of them..Simultaneously...for the WHOLE SHOW! Maybe I'm just getting old, but I actually like to go to a show to see the band. Call me crazy if you must, I won't change. As a matter of fact, I was this way when I was 17 so it's not age. I guess I'm just a bitch.

Speaking of Cel phone ignorance, I was driving home on I93 a couple of days ago. I was in the third lane puttering along in traffic at about 20-25 MPH and this Honda Civic pulls up slowly on my left driven my a young twenty something chick on her cel phone. Well, I happen to notice that her right front tire is just about flat. So, being the good do-bee that I am, I tried to signal to her to roll her window down so I could let her know. For about half a mile I'm alternately beeping my horn, waving.....Nothing....not even a glimmer of acknolegement. So fine..I gave up. I tried to be a nice guy...Really...
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