Punk Ass: Biker, Zen Stress Monkey <$BlogRSDURL$>
Punk Ass: Biker, Zen Stress Monkey
Monday, August 08, 2005
  Gimme Shelter - The 2005 SeaCoast Safari
I just finished this years' Sea Coast Safari 150 for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. This is the third year that I've participated and the fourth year the event has taken place. It's great to see that every year the number of riders just about doubles. This year there were about 80. It was a different ride for me this year since it was the first time I've done it solo. Two years ago I did it with Bob (Wise Ass) and last year I did it with Rachel (Buzz) . The first 10 miles or so was kind of chaotic as everyone shuffled around then finally settle into their respective pace lines. By the time we hit the coast ( and the head wind) I was fortunate to have hooked up with a 12 man pace line. Considering that most of the group were strangers to me and to each other, everyone worked really well together. Each guy taking about three miles at the front then dropping to the back of the line. I did my turn from about miles 16-19 and felt suprisingly strong, stamping out a 19 MPH tempo. Things changed when this dude with 9 foot legs took over and upped the tempo to about 23; then group then splintered. The first group of 8 guys broke away while I ended up in a chase group of 4 . We all agreed to keep the pace a little more reasonable. We stayed together for the rest of the way up to Bidderford ME each taking our turn pulling. At about Mile 60 the heavy pace of earlier that day started to catch up with me and the outside of my left knee started giving me grief but I made it to the end without too much trouble.

The overnight at University of New England was great as always. Lots of food, beer, great ocean views and comfy dorm rooms. The ride back was equally as good. I decided to change my peddling strategy a little and opted for a slightly higher cadence than usual to keep some of the stress off my knee. Steve and Ron ( from the first days' group ) and I hooked up with 2 other guys and this dude Greg. Greg Had been the first one in the day before, finishing in 41/2 hours; my group took 5 3/4. Greg did a monster pull and set tempo THE WHOLE WAY BACK! Unreal. The guy was un-freekin-believable.

All in all I had a blast and got some of my confidence back to boot. Not too Shabby.......
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