Punk Ass: Biker, Zen Stress Monkey <$BlogRSDURL$>
Punk Ass: Biker, Zen Stress Monkey
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
  It's My Party and I'll do something ass related If I Want To
Yes folks, it 's a landmark day today in Punk Ass Land; my 40th Birthday. Never thought it would come really...Silly I know. Truth be told, I really do feel a lot more on top of my shit than I did when I turned 30. So I suppose this makes me older and wiser and what not. In that vein, I thought I would look at life as I see it, and spout a little Punk Ass Wisdom. Here, dear friends, is a list of things that I have found in my now forty years to be true:

1. Coffee is God.
2. You owe it to your self to live as large a possible.
3. Always wipe Front to Back.
4. What ever it is, It's all in your Head.
5. There's no substitute for the Sound of Wood.
6. Attack every hill you see, you'll love yourself afterwards.
7. You must have your own personal theme song...Trust me on this.
8. Cheese is my Friend.
9. Love is the pretty illusion pulled over our eye by brain chemicals...Deal.
10. There are no Universal Truths.

The celebrations so far: Co-workers Rogueslayer & Brew took me out to John Harvard's Brewhouse for a fabulous lunch (THANK YOU!!) and the rest of the IT staff here joined me in my cube for a round of Patron Anejo shots ...Oh YA Baybee!!!
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Thoughts, and Stupid Life Adventures of a Punk Ass Bicyclist , Bass Player, and Gear Head . "Remember, It always comes back to the Ass...."

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