Punk Ass: Biker, Zen Stress Monkey <$BlogRSDURL$>
Punk Ass: Biker, Zen Stress Monkey
Thursday, November 30, 2006

I ...
I wear the ostrich mask ...
I wear the ostrich mask and chase you around the room.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
A mall Santa smiled, waved and said hello to me at lunch today. I actually made me feel really good. Maybe I'm not as much of a misanthrope as I though.......
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Ya...I'm still here....I just don't have anything worth saying.
Monday, November 20, 2006
  Well do you....
Does anyone know or remember Thayer Zader?
Friday, November 17, 2006
  The Two

Two things I really hate have visited me this morning:

A) Jingles. These are just an evil perversion of music written by once proud musicians who have been stripped of they're souls by the corporate machine and turned into musak writing zombies; twisting the easily remembered, sing song nature of simple, nursery rhyme like songs into invasive, virus like melodies that bore into our brain like the tiny worms in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan that were put in Chekov and Capt. Terrell's ears.

The worst ones are for cheezy local used car dealerships who are evil in their own right and just compound their evilousity by bombarding us with mindless, low budget radio ads backed with insipid jingles. FUCK!!

Maybe the jingles do make you remember their product or whatever; but how I ask you, HOW does it help them sell anything when hearing their jingle just pisses you off and makes you change the station?

2)The other thing: Warm Toilet Seats. These are not evil (well not that I know of anyway) but just give me the major wig. I'm not talking about something like this mind you. I mean one that has been preheated by someone else's bum just moments ago. I just f'ing hate myself when I make the bad call at take the freshly used stall. GAHHHHHHH!!!! Now I need a flipping shower......
Sunday, November 12, 2006
  Reversal of Fortune
Sometimes, I guess a day can make a difference. Yesterday was another beautiful day in the sixties so I went out for a nice 30 mile ride with a friend. I felt awesome. It was on of those fantastic rock star rides where body and bike were in sync and I felt like I could go forever. The slug, for now, is back under the covers, waiting for some future 7AM to come creeping out....
Friday, November 10, 2006

I want to say this now for the official record (where ever that may actually be): I'm a complete asshole. There I said it. Here it is, one of the last days of the year, sunny, over sixty degrees and I decide NOT to bring my bike with me to work today. I was going to go out today..really I had every intention of riding at lunch today. But I got up this morning and said "ahhhh..fuck it." I just could muster the will power to pack up all my crap and load it in the truck.

I suck, I'm such a frigging slug, a soft mushy mushy slug......
Thursday, November 09, 2006

The sand castle gets washed away, that will never change...
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
"I wish I was a turtle from Galapagos
Or a span of geological time."
Monday, November 06, 2006
"Time is a spiral, Space is a curve
I know you get dizzy
But try not to lose your nerve"
Friday, November 03, 2006
  Prophet of the Pump

So I was pumping gas yesterday on the way home from work and saw this wonderful and informative sign posted on the pump. Curious as to its' inner meaning I had to take a picture so as to ponder and meditate on it it.

What exactly ARE they going for here? Are they saying that customers should be more polite and say please and thank you? OK, not bad advice really. Are they begging for more patrons as in " More Customers, PLEASE!! ahem..thank you"?

I think it is so simple that it's infinitely complex and beyond me feeble grasp......
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Nobody runs in a weightless world
Thoughts, and Stupid Life Adventures of a Punk Ass Bicyclist , Bass Player, and Gear Head . "Remember, It always comes back to the Ass...."

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